Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Connection Between the Work and the Words

Shoup, Lynda Diane. Work in Progress. 2017, Private Collection of the Artist.

One of the concepts that struck me when reading about writing an Artist’s Statement is the discrepancy between what the artist wants to achieve and the actual artwork itself. I have seen the opinion voiced that a statement that promises the world paired with art that doesn’t deliver is one of the most disappointing statement fails. 

So, what to do about that? 

Clearly we all want to achieve great things. Some of us may be able to articulate those lofty ideals. What about that work, though?

On a personal level, after letting my statement ferment for a few weeks, I revisited my writing. I’m not too proud to admit that I didn’t like what I saw. Time to tear it apart and revamp, rework and possibly start over from step one. 

While the writing needs tweaking, it’s not just the writing. The connection between the work and the words needs to be stronger, more compatible. Does my internal dialog translate to a visual state? 

Below is a list of questions I’m asking myself as I explore the connections.

How have you found the work of writing your artist statement? 


  1. This is a wonderful series of posts, Lynda. It's very good food for thought. I've always found it helpful to write your brains out. Walk away. Come back and go at it with a fine tooth comb. Walk away and come back again. When I was editing a magazine, I don't know how many words I would cut on a monthly basis -- but it was a lot. And one could make a fine argument for thinking and writing succinctly the first time -- but the fact is, when you have it all there, you can really parse what matters. Looks much the same here -- and those guidelines are outstanding.

    On a different note, I was so very touched by your comment on my post about the trees and new home next to our lake house. I'm so grateful you shared the story about your grandfather. He sounds very wise. I will hold that wisdom in my heart.

    1. Thank you, Jeanie. I'm glad you are enjoying this series. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all write succinctly right off the bat? Some people may have that skill, but unfortunately, I tend to be a revisionary sort.

      Also, I am glad my musings on the issue of change could be helpful. Especially glad you enjoyed the story about my grandfather. He was quite a guy.


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