Thursday, May 25, 2017

Changing Blog Title

Art journal page prompted by Rae Missigman's #artmarks30daychallenge

While I haven't been posting to my blog in a while, I have been fairly active on Instagram. Even before the last post, I made I started considering where this blog was going and some changes I hoped to make. Changes I hoped would make this blog more interactive. 

Art journal page prompted by Rae Missigman's #artmarks30daychallenge

It's not unusual for me to overthink things, to dream up new ideas and leave half of them behind as I forge forward with a creative idea. Each week I thought I would make the decision. I would move forward in a new direction. I did some research. I did some brainstorming. I spent time sketching in the park. 

Finally, today, I made a decision. It wasn't any of the options that had been under consideration.

Finally, I decided to just be me. And so it is. No agenda. Just me. Making art. Sharing joy and art. That is all. So from now on, you can find me by my name. 

A collection of mood books I made from magazines I decided had to go after a spring cleaning purge.  
As stated previously, these hands have not been idle while my mind was working overtime. 

1. Chipping away at The Artist's Way, albeit slowly.

2. Making a Facebook page with artist-friend, Cindi Huss, to keep us accountable to each other. You can check out our page at 

3. Completed Rae Missigman's 
#artmarks30daychallenge part 1 and part 2 

4. Did a studio purge as the spring cleaning bug hit me. I needed room to move about. These beautiful magazines needed to go, so I made them into mood books. That way I could try out binding them with the Coptic stitch. This was something that would have been on my bucket list if I had one. The bindings aren't perfect, but they mark progress. 

The mood books stacked to show bindings. Each book is themed by color. 

Thanks for coming by. I'm excited about providing some new content for you. Let me know if there is something you would like to see. 


  1. Hi there, just thought I'd sneak across from IG and check out your blog 😊I'll be back x

    1. Lynne,
      How nice of you to stop by! I look forward to visiting with you more.

  2. Another pop over from IG. The perfect name change no better branding than your own name. Look forward to more posts

    1. Thanks so much, Ciara, for stopping by. There are plenty more to come! Look forward to having you visit.

  3. That's wonderful! To be yourself! xoxo Su

    1. Thanks, Su! I'm glad you found me after the name change.

  4. Thank you for visiting my blog Lynda! I see another person who loves to create books and journals too. I often wonder how people find my blog these days as there are so many different social media channels. I'll be back to see more of your work! xx

    1. It was my pleasure to visit you! Your work is a delight for the senses. I agree that as more social media becomes popular it does seem more difficult to be found. I love instagram and am active there, but find I enjoy the more in depth conversations and presentation that blogs provide. I'll be planning to visit you more often.

  5. Hey Lynda, liking the new look! And that pop of colour at the top of this post - marvellous.

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback, Tracy! I have been debating about so many aspects and it is good to hear what people think. As for that pop of color, that I debated long and hard. Experts say no, but I feel it works with my new look. I'm going with my gut and going for it...for now. Long way to say, that comment meant a lot to me.


Your input makes this journey richer. Your words magically turn a monologue into a conversation. You are appreciated. Thank you for being here.