
Monday, January 11, 2016

Remembering June

Remembering June and planning for this year's Roses. 

I left my play journal out on the desk. There were many chores waiting me, but I stole some time for me. There is nothing that centers me like putting color on a page. Tonight it was prismacolor markers that did the trick. The feeling of the marker making contact with the paper - this makes me grounded. 

I had prepared this page over a month ago. Big red circles and then petals from a silk flower gessoed down to the page. The rest was added tonight. Once looks completely different than when I started.

There are chores to do and I'm running behind in my art courses. But I'm adding color to my life and moving forward. 


  1. How fun is this! And good for you. Color in life is so important. I don't know where you live but here in Michigan the color outside is white. No complaints -- it hadn't snowed much at all where I am, not even in December or till a few days ago and while I don't like winter, it's hard to complain when you've already knocked off a month of it! But getting color into life seems all the more important at times like this! And this is pretty, too!

    1. Jeanie, it's snowing here for the second time this winter. Like you I'm not jumping for joy about it, but we have had it really good for a long stretch. Here in New England it's been unseasonably warm. So the snowflakes come down and make a monochromatic background - sort of like gesso on a art journal page. I will add color here inside and allow the outside all the stark beauty it holds - for at least a couple of hours.

      Thanks for coming by and the affirmation. I enjoy your comments so much!


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