
Sunday, January 10, 2016

Busy Time Play

It's been hard to fit in time to paint lately. Too many things to start a new year. I am signed up for two classes and had hoped to make progress in each of them this weekend, but alas, it was not to be.

Still I just had to listen to that voice that begs for expression. Some time ago I decided that I needed to create a forum for just such times. Using a thin journal I splashed paint on the pages, added ink and started adding extra paint/ink/stmaps from other projects. The concept of this book is that it would be easy enough to pull out and do 10 minutes of playing. Some of the pages have ended up favorites.

Too bad it lay forgotten - until tonight. I pulled it out and added color with abandon. It now looks nothing like the page it began as. Transformations are fun. The page wasn't the only thing energized. I was too.

Note to self: This should be a core activity and done so regularly that it is not forgotten in overwhelming times.

Hope you will make a play journal too. 


  1. You remind me of something very important. I still haven't reclaimed my creative art time. Sure, I'm being creative in the kitchen and have signed up for some classes but I haven't pulled out the journal and done a single line. This has to change. Thanks, Linda!

    1. Jeanie, I'm so glad that I helped you remember something important to you!!! All kinds of creativity are supportive. I never discount the creativity I find when in the kitchen (on those rare occasions) or in creating learning experiences for my students or when navigating a new challenge or opportunity. Yet I never feel complete or relaxed if I haven't journaled.

      I'll be looking forward to seeing what you create!


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