
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Writing About Your Art

One thing that is so often said by artists, regardless of medium, is “I can’t talk about my art. If I could express myself in words I wouldn’t be an artist.” Others can talk and talk, but never get to the point. 

Do you struggle with either of these problems? Did you ever think about writing about your art? Do you know where to start? What to talk about? Are you mystified reading that art can be discussed? 

Let me know in the comments how much you have written about your art. What are your struggles? What would you like to know? I am no expert, but I do love to learn new things. My training as a librarian makes me eager to find sources to solve information needs. 


  1. I don't have a lot of trouble writing or talking about my art, sometimes I can't shut up! This Wednesday I'm one of 4 giving a,short artist talk. But I'm very interested in what you have to say, and think it'd be useful

    1. Thanks, Lin, for coming by and leaving a comment. I know that people are at different places with talking about their art. In thinking about this process I decided to start from the beginning and work progressively more detailed. I guess it will depend on what kind of interest there is. If the interest is mostly for seasoned communicators I will be happy to move more deeply and quickly. Again, thanks for your interest and commenting. You made my day!

  2. I do write about my art. i feel people want to know the who behind the work. I just try and be myself. I feel your like minded will find you. xox

    1. I know you write about your art and do so very eloquently! Your advice is great. Showing yourself in your writing does help the like minded to find us. Sometimes it can be a struggle to put it on paper, but it's worth the effort. Your writing is a great example of that sweet spot.

  3. I do sometimes struggle with what to say about my art. How much to say, how far in detail to go. The "who cares" nagging feeling comes up a lot. Especially these days when sharing seems to be more about quick blurbs on IG or videos. Sharing details with words is a special artform unto itself. I look forward to reading more about your creative process! I popped over from IG (bobephanie)...still surprised how many accounts I follow have blogs too.

    1. Thanks for making the trek over to the blog. I love IG and the immediacy of the form. I hope you will find something to like here as I start at the beginning and work our way toward writing more deeply about our art. I'll be putting out feelers to find out if what I am posting is helpful or if a different direction would be more helpful. My training as a library teacher tells me to start at the beginning and work forward, but I want to make sure that I am providing value for people who take the time to come by.


Your input makes this journey richer. Your words magically turn a monologue into a conversation. You are appreciated. Thank you for being here.