
Monday, June 26, 2017

Styles of Documentation

Shoup, Lynda Diane. Half a Mind. 2017, Private Collection of the Artist.

Documenting your work can be tricky. There are many different formats for citing works of art. When citing a painting in a paper, the citation looks different depending on the format of the paper. 

This is something familiar to me as I spent a fair amount of time teaching students how citations work as a school librarian. Here is an example of three different ways to make citations for the above work in an academic paper. 

Shoup, Lynda Diane. Half a Mind. 2017, Private Collection of the Artist. 

Shoup, L. D. (2017). Half a Mind [mixed media]. Town, State: Private collection of the artist. 

Shoup, Lynda Diane. Half a Mind. 2017. Mixed media. Private collection of the artist, Town, State

As you can see there is a great deal of variation between the formats.

Moral of the story: Check to see what format is appropriate for the situation before finalizing any citations.

This post is the third in the series entitled Documenting Your Artwork

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