
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Artist's Way

I've been hearing about The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron for a long time now. Several years ago my friend Cindi Huss told me about the book and about morning pages. I didn't read the book, but I got the gist and started doing them off and on. About a year ago, the book found me at a Barnes and Noble and jumped off the shelf. Literally. I took it home and it stayed on the very shelf I photographed since then. About six weeks ago I started doing morning pages every day and decided to read the book.

Thus started this journey. 

For the Artist Date portion of my assignments I have decided to set down some time each week with one of the books from the overcrowded shelf, find a skill and try it. So far this is leading to some fun creativity. I'm moving into different territory.


I started with the Gelli Plate Printing: Mixed-Media Monoprinting Without a Press by Joan Bess. Quite a lot of paint has been seen flinging about here. Intrigued by the Paper Cloth on page 90, I mixed up some glue, unearthed some muslin and got down to business. What a fun process! Several other techniques await the right tools to make them happen (where is that carpet tape when you need it?)


  1. I did Artist's Way long ago and should revisit. I know many who still do Morning Pages. It's wonderful and inspiring. I recently found my notebook from that period and it was interesting to see how much I had moved on, due in part some to time and training but with that as a groundwork.

    I love the papers you are showing here. What a wonderful spring palette!

    1. It seems to be a tool of import in the artistic world. I've heard so many people sing the praises of this approach and now I see why. It really does bring depth to experience.

      Fascinating to hear how you have viewed your old notebook and found that you have moved on. I find that I am able to move farther ahead and gain deeper insight through these exercises. Frankly, I am filled with a sense of gratitude.

      Thanks for your comments on the papers. I have been enjoying making them. Spring would be nice about now, wouldn't it?

  2. I art journal sporadically, and while I didn't read the whole thing, did some morning writing pages for a while. I do really like what you have been doing lately, it's fun to see you move around in different ways. I am finding that if I listen carefully, what calls to me is where I go. Walking every morning is my version of morning pages, that wander attitude, dogs, smells, sea birds, the river all fill me up with more ideas than I can ever do in this lifetime, so I just do what calls. Right now this sculptural work, soft and otherwise is my thing, and things for the kids in our art programs at my local gallery/art center. It's all GOOD. Nice list of books. I have so many arty books, it's great to revisit one's I've not read for a while. xox

    1. Ahh, yes! You have got it right. Listen and heed your inner leanings. When you can do that these external challenges and courses are not necessary. So much is going on in my life, around my life, at the moment that following through is both reassuring and enlightening. It is just what I need at the moment. Other times in my life it might have felt like a straight jacket. Some day I hope I will not be as drawn to follow a set of exercises as my inner compass will be strong.

      Thank you for the kind words and the thoughtful response. You have made me think. I like that most of all.

  3. Thanks for your comment on my led me here. I read The Artist's Way way back in the dark ages and loved it. I did morning pages for several years and then somehow got out of the habit...not sure why because they always seemed to help me. This has inspired me to get my book out and revisit it. Morning pages can't be far away after that!

    Your papers are beautiful. And what a great idea to do projects from all those books I have sitting on my own bookshelves. I'm off to explore some of them now.

    1. So glad you came over and had a look. If my post nudges you back into the morning pages routine, I'm glad. They do really help me too.

      Thank you for the kind comment on my papers. Hoping that you are having as much fun rifling through your books as I am. I've tried quite a few things now and feel like it has shaken me up and given me new perspective.


Your input makes this journey richer. Your words magically turn a monologue into a conversation. You are appreciated. Thank you for being here.