
Friday, July 10, 2015

Oh Happy Day!

Today is the day that my dear friend, Cindi Huss arrives for a few days of making art. We have talked about taking some time together for a long time. Our "Artist Retreat" has taken some unexpected turns and has toned down from the original idea. I trust that it is unfolding just as it should. Here's proof of my optimism:

The fabric paint I ordered was delayed. The arrival date shifted to a date when it would be too late to use it. Disappointed though I was, I knew we had more projects than time so shrugged it off. It arrived yesterday! In plenty of time. Now we only have to use Hermione Grangers time warp to have time enough to use it! 

As if that isn't enough, tomorrow is the Mad Tea Party. My post will be up bright and early. Be sure to visit all the wonderful parties going on!


  1. Utterly fabulous! Oh, don't you love having an art play pal? I sure do -- my art pal and I are doing our own art camp in a couple of weeks -- up to our elbows in whatever we're into in the moment! Thanks for visiting The Marmelade Gypsy and leaving a wonderful comment on my tea party. I'm off to find yours!

    1. Yes, I do love having an art play pal. Have fun at your art camp. My friend and I had a blast, which will be reflected in a few blog posts to come.


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