
Friday, April 3, 2015

Balancing Act

I feel as though I've found my medium! Art Journaling takes care of so many needs. This week I took a spread that was primed by the excess paint on my brayer from two weeks of gelli printing. Each side was one week's printing, so the colors and feeling was very disparate.  

How to make this harmonious? At first there was a lot of doubt about whether it would ever work. 

Before starting, I thought about how to bring it together. Bringing the colors from each side to the other was the first line of action. Once I made that first decision things happened. It wasn't planned down to the details. Whatever struck my eye was added. The pages changed little by little and it was so gradual that it was hard to notice the transformation. Comparing the before and after is shocking to me. I can't believe I was the creator of this piece, but I am really glad that I was. 

How do you bring about balance? What do you do to balance? How do you approach your art and making decisions? 

May your weekend be a perfect balance. 

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