
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Gelli Printing!

This weekend I treated myself to something I have wanted to try for a while now. I hope you treated yourself as well. 

I first got interested in printing with a Gelli Arts plate after watching a video on YouTube that wowed me. If I find it I will post it here. This seemed like so much fun and a great addition to art journaling. 

So as I was driving through Providence my car suddenly turned toward Wickendon Street. Before I knew it I was parked at Dick Blick's Art Supply Store. I have so many happy memories involving this store when it was Utrecht's. One day a guy came in on his unicycle to buy a very large piece of paper. We wondered how he would ever carry it on that unicycle, but he rolled it up, put it in the cylinder slung over his shoulder and pedaled away. 

Today I broke out the plate and gave it a try. The sound of the paper pulling away from the plate and the squishing of the paint were accompanied by my squee-ing with delight. The pulls I got from this method made me do a little happy dance. 

I will be trying this again!

What kinds of things do you do when you want to treat yourself?


  1. Thanks for the comment and compliment! Glad you stopped by.

  2. I buy more paint and paper! LOL

  3. Nice work, btw. Love the colors

  4. Joan, I couldn't agree with you more! I thought art journaling would help me use up the things I have around the house, but I do find that I am purchasing more….especially things I have never experimented with before. Sprayable paint, daubers, modeling paste, and the gelli plate - never had them before, but I am enjoying trying them.

    Hope you have a chance to get your hands on some more paint and paper this weekend. :-)


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