
Saturday, February 23, 2013

May You Always Sparkle

Why choose to sparkle?

Really, what's your alternative? 
Not sparkling? 
How attractive does that sound?

Choose sparkle.
Choose laughter. 

Choose caring.
Choose frivolity.

Choose hugs.
Choose relaxation.

Choose to connect.

Choose beauty.

Choose light.

Choose reflection.


It’s not just the bling that makes you sing.

It's the heart that sets you apart. 

(But there's nothing wrong with bling!)

Don't forget to join my Sparkly Saturday Conspirators:

Emmy Blue : Children's entertainer and writer who tells her own magical tales and spreads sparkling enchantments all over the Pacific Northwest

Yota Schneider : Seasons of Change Master Coach * Writer * Speaker * Retreats Facilitator * Mindfulness Meditation Practitioner * Mom * Wife * Friend * Ever striving gardener and finder of beauty and peace in the little things This is An Online Holistic Arts Center created by Kat WB! Enjoy virtual classes, holistic coaching, a holistic blog, KatWB TV and resources for nutrition, sustainability & self-help.


  1. Hello my sparkly friend:-) It's a day late but here I am! Thank you, thank you for sharing your inner sparkle and inspiration! The last four weeks have been a joy!

    As I am making the rounds and reading this week's sparkly posts, I can see how in tune we are. Sparkle is about love, laughter, and sharing, isn't it?

    We can choose to present this universal truth in all different ways and put our personal stamp on it but it's all the same, it's simple and it sparkles!

    Have a fabulous day!

  2. Thank you, my friend, for sharing this month of sparkles. It has been so fun thinking about it during the week, anticipating what each would post and then finally reading the posts and finding delight in our shared sparkles.

    You've delighted me each week. This week is no exception. I will miss our weekly meetings, but know I will continue to follow with interest.

    Hope your week is nothing less than sparkling.


Your input makes this journey richer. Your words magically turn a monologue into a conversation. You are appreciated. Thank you for being here.