
Monday, September 28, 2015


Transformation - it's everywhere. 
Especially in this season. 

I attended a art journaling hangout on Google with Amy Maricle a few months ago. She has some really helpful things on her website, so make sure you go and check it out. 

Today looking through a spread I did during that time I decided to take my pens out and start the transformation process. 

Here's the page I decided to transform. 

First I switched directions and turned the journal on it's side. The circles definitely looked like roses to me, so roses they became. I added tendrils and leaves. 

After a few layers I added some words.

Viola! It is transformed. 

The really nifty thing about it is this: 

I am transformed as well. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Changing Seasons

Changing Seasons. Bend to the season or be bent by it. 

The seasons are changing. Simple statement. So much truth to it. 

Our days are going from dreadfully hot last week to delightfully pleasant this week. I see more random spots of colorful autumn leaves. Not a lot, but enough to remind me that summer is near it's end. 

The weather is hardly all that is changing here. What's that they say? "Nothing is so constant as change." 

I have always been a fan of Gandhi's quote "Be the change you want to see in the world." I love the empowering feeling that this lonely person can make a difference. Tonight as I think about it I realize that you can also read that as an admonition to choose the kind of change you prefer. I think Gandhi meant the former, but that doesn't mean the latter isn't true. As they say "Choose your poison" "Choose your change" resonates. Life changes regardless. You might as well be in charge of the change you go through. 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Paint on My Fingers Again!

See the paint on my fingers? It was great to see it there and even more thrilling to see the design of the stencil printed on my fingers. 

It's been a busy month for so many reasons, not the least of which is preparation and the beginning of a new school year in tandem with taking a 5 week course for Professional Development. 

After submitting my last assignment today I decided to fling some paint around in my art journal. Remember that journal? 

Not my usual color scheme, but this page started when I spread excess paint on it from another project some time ago. I don't even remember what project that would have been, but it's fun to go with it and see what happens.

Here in New England we are starting to see trees changing colors. The serious business of fall foliage season is still a ways off, but we are heading towards Autumn in small increments. This color scheme reflects that, despite my resistance. 

I included this picture to show where I used a mesh vegetable bag and some spray color. It created a really subtle mesh pattern. I wanted something more. You can see lines created by the stitched end of the mesh bag dipped in paint. (below) I am looking forward to seeing where this piece takes me.