
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Bloom Where You Are and Let the Seeds Carry You Far...

My variation on Bloom Where You are Planted. Bloom and then bloom again where the seeds take you. Allow yourself the happy happenstance of enjoying new vistas, new horizons. Bloom where you land and allow yourself to keep on moving and blooming. 

It's been a weird week here. More about that in the next post. Let's just say that things did not go as planned, but there is learning and love everywhere you go. 

I wish you a week full of unexpected blessings and meaningful lessons. I hope it is full of joy.

What do you do when things don't go as planned? Do you roll with it? Do you embrace it? Do you fight it tooth and nail? 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Wearing Joy - Seeing Joy - Feeling Joy

There's been a lapse in my regular posting schedule over the past two weeks. 

Once I got back in the swing of blogging and making the rounds of blogs I wanted to get involved in everything. Some of that is good. Some of that is too much. So I'm reevaluating what I should be involved with. 

Not only that, but the Wear Your Joy course with Kelly Rae Roberts has inspired me in so many ways that I realize that I may want to change how I post. I'll be doing a whole lot of thinking in the weeks ahead. 

Meanwhile, I'm going through my closet and letting go of items that no longer serve me. You can see what is left in the photo above, though it is double exposed with a nature picture. The filter used is Sparkle Mama, which I thought was appropriate. 

I am filling my days wearing joy, seeing joy and feeling joy. This is the kind of thing I want to share with you. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Pile on the glitter - Fashion Fridays

Last week I discovered that somewhere along the line I stopped wearing jewelry. What may have started as a decision not to wear jewelry that could be damaged when doing a messy project with students or when kneading dough or simply out of laziness, became a habit. It became my regular operating system. 

This week I rekindled my love of the glittery and found that it gave me a lift of my spirits. I somehow sat taller in my seat and am sure that there was a gleam in my eyes as I moved through the day. 

The photo below is a double exposure of several pieces of jewelry I love. I would never have realized it, but I have found that I love glass! Glass beads on my Troll Beads bracelet and this beautiful glass necklace made by a friend. 

What kinds of jewelry do you love? When you look at the jewelry you have, does any of it surprise you? What if you wore them in surprising combinations? 

Hope you have a sparkle-ful week. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Cherry Blossoms - Self Care Saturday

The world seemed to blossom this week. Everywhere the flowers seem to pop up out of nowhere. Today I am giving myself the gift of taking the time to see them. Actually see them. So often in springtime I'm noticing them with half my attention (if that) as I drive by. This is a busy season for school employees. It's easy to get caught up and neglect to really enjoy the loveliness around. 

Today, camera in hand, I will stop and be mindful of the beauty in front of me. I will soak it up. 

This will not be the only extravagance of the day, but it will certainly be a part of it. 

Things don't last forever. I will enjoy them today. 

Ephemeral. Beautiful. Enjoy now. 

What things do you wish you spent more time appreciating? Enjoying? Savoring? 
Are your favorite flowers long flowering or do they have a short run? Are there seasonal foods that you try to enjoy during their season? Here we are having asparagus season. 

Many delights to you today. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Wear Your Joy Course with Kelly Rae Roberts - Fashion Friday

When I saw the course by Kelly Rae Roberts called Wear Your Joy I just knew I had to take it. It resonated so well with this art journal. She provided a forum for exploring some of the very things I thought I'd put in this journal. So today's Fashion Friday is dedicated to Kelly. I started a few days late, so I'm still working on day two, but already I've identified one big thing that will make a difference in my style - actually wearing the beautiful accessories I have! 

You can see that my page features a blank spot - an unfinished area on the page. This is where I traced two beautiful pieces I wore today - both made of glass. 

Below you see the necklace I wore today - a beautiful piece of art made my a friend. 

The other item I wore today is my Troll Bead bracelet. (I do mix in beads from Camilla and Pandora.) I love the glass pieces especially.  These pieces of joy made me smile all day. Accessorize. That's the word this week. 

 Want more information about the course? Here's a link to the course description:

I can't wait to see what's next!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day Gelli Prints - Stamping and Printing Sunday

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and to the fathers out there who have to fill in a mother's shoes. 

I wanted to send you flowers so here are a couple of gelli printed flowers. I don't know whether I will leave them as is or whether I will choose to fill them in. 

 My family had our meal out yesterday and so today was a lovely day for sleeping in. Just what I wanted! 

I hadn't gelli printed in a few weeks and I was eager to do some. Here are some of my favorites from today. 

I love the prints as they are, as part of my art journaling, and also as a layer in my double exposure photos. I love the way they combine with other photos. 

I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day. It was great for me to celebrate yesterday (less crowd in the restaurant) and have today to loll about. If you could plan your own Mother's Day event, what would be most meaningful to you? Now that you've thought about it, how about asking for it?

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Gift of Laughter and Books - Self Care Saturday

Laughter is one of the most powerful self care strategies I can think of. Others might prefer face masks or manicures. A good ole belly laugh that makes me snort and pound on the table while tears stream down my face…now that's the kind of self care I love best. It is extra good if I'm with a good friend. 

So today I indulged. I could tell you about the lovely lunch with my family at a nice restaurant. I could tell you about stopping for the first ice cream of the season from the local cone maker. The best part of the day, however, was the company and the sense of humor and the uncontrollable laughter. 

Ok, so books were a plus. I'm a librarian. 

Almost forgot to mention one of the things that led to hilarity were the Mother's Day socks I received. One pair looks like library check out cards from years gone by and the other was a pair for banned book week. One of the socks has the titles of commonly banned books. The other has words crossed out…censored right off the sock. Perfect gift. 

What makes you laugh? What is your favorite kind of laugh? Who can you feel comfortable to laugh messy with? 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Finding My Style - Fashion Friday

Color - Texture - Fiber 

These are things I love. 
Before taking up art journaling I knit, I crocheted, I sewed, I embroidered and I beaded. I made paper from pulp. I folded paper ….well I still do that with a vengeance. There was the season of spinning and years of smocking and heirloom sewing. 

I love them all. 

When I saw this garment in Belle Armoire I fell in love. The texture, the different length of fringe, the colors - all of it so luscious. This kind of thing has to be part of the style I am developing. 

The large photo featured in the magazine was fabulous, but a little big for the journal page. So I shredded it into strips, laid it down in overlapping patterns and sewed it down with embroidery floss and beads. It is something new for me, but it feels completely natural to me. It is somehow reminiscent of my paper making days when I combined tissue paper left from holiday gifts, threads clipped from the  end of seams and embroidery, organic matter and bits of paper that appealed to me. Anything found it's way into the paper. Now anything finds it's way onto the paper. 

The style I want to wear looks a lot like an art journal page or an art quilt. Vibrant, full of texture, and embedded with joy. 

My Fashion Friday posts must be disappointing to someone looking for the latest style. I post them as a way for me to discover my style. 

To those new to my blog I have an art journal for exploring my sense of style. I post about it on Fridays. 

Saturday is when I post about my Self Care of the week under the title Self Care Saturday. 

Stamping and Printing Sunday is when I post about my adventures with mono printing and stamping. 

Feel free to join me any day. I'm glad you are here. Tell me about how you found your style. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

100th Post Party

This is the 100th post on Reclaiming my Boho Mojo. It seemed like  a landmark worth commemorating, but how to mark the event? 

Looking back on the reasons for reviving this blog, several reasons stood out: 

- to connect with others
- to create community

Posting more often has become more routine. Connecting with others and creating community are things I need to expand. 

So to celebrate this 100th post, I plan to visit 100 blogs or websites and leave comments. Hopefully this will help cement the habit of responding to the inspiration I find in the work of others instead of thinking I'll come back to it when I have more time. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Recycling - Stamping and Printing Sunday

Pinterest is such a wonderful tool for learning new techniques. Using the styrofoam packing from the grocery store to create stamps is just one of the brilliant ideas that can be found through Pinterest. Fortunately or unfortunately, the grocery store I usually frequent doesn't use that kind of packaging much. So I only get to try this method out when I'm shopping off the beaten path. This week held just such an opportunity! The above photo shows the stamps I made. 

Stamping on top of gelli prints.

I'm in love with this one!

 This stamp makes me think of washi tape. The gears are already turning as I think of new ways to use it. 

The original cherry blossom prints were a little disappointing. Adding this new stamp ramped it up for me. 

Instead of rolling the paint on with a brayer I tried using a brush to add the paint and then using the brayer to roll over it to get a better pull. As you can see in the print above there are dangers in this method. As the brayer hit the surface it slid, creating a blob. I developed the habit of laying the foam down, gently adding pressure with my thumb and rolling across one section at a time. There are still mistakes, but fewer of them. 

 This one is particularly striking to me as the original paper had left me cold. I start to see possibilities in it. 

How to do you handle a piece that didn't come out as planned? Do you move on or do you fiddle with it? Hope you have some happy surprises today. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Resting - Self Care Saturday

Today I allowed myself to sleep late, laze about and recharge. Lately I've been driving so much the car feels like an extension of my body. Last Saturday I vowed I would not get in my car and I did not. What a great feeling that was! This week I decided that I would do that again. 

So this Self Care Saturday is all about not pushing, not forcing, not allowing the voices of doubt tell me that I should be doing something when I knew full well that I needed to rest. 

Tomorrow I will drive. I will push. I will rise to the occasion. Today…today is for me. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Unrestricted - Fashion Friday

These garment clips have been in my file for quite some time. The flattering drape, the easy care fabric, the interesting details have made me feel they would be fun to wear and a boon when traveling. I need more of this. 

These look like comfort clothes to me - easy to wear and easy to feel good wearing. 

What kind of clothes are your comfort clothes?