Sunday, July 29, 2012
Color Deficiency
One of the things I have found out about myself through the Chakra Photo Workshop is that I have color deficiency. I already know that a substantial deficiency in Vitamin D makes it important for me to take vitamin supplements. It seems I need an inoculation of red, orange and yellow in my life.
I have a preference for pink and purple. Some might call it an obsession. I like shabby chic, white washed, floral romantic visuals. The necessity of photographing something red or something orange in successive weeks has been a real challenge. I don't have much of that around me. I used carrots for photos in the week that also required red. I didn't really feel that I wanted to become a carrot portrait taker.
I began to wonder if my lack of other colors in my domain has been effecting me negatively. After deciding to introduce more color, I looked around. Finally I came to the conclusion that I like me just the way I am.
At which point Treasured Teen said "Yeah, I like me without eating vegetables, just the way I am. Is it ok if I don't eat them?" As we were in a craft shop, red beads were pressed into my palm and I was instructed to balance myself. It will be fun to see what becomes of me. I fully expect to become more colorful. Just hope I like it.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Feeling Grounded
I’ve found it hard to fit time for myself into my schedule
this year. While I am exhilarated by my work and find satisfaction in spending
time with loved ones, I still need to find time to be alone with myself. A time
to create, to dance and to dream. A time to get grounded.That time has been elusive.
I always find that Emmy Blue recharges my inner happiness
machine. Wishing I had visited her blog and renewed my view doesn’t make it so.
I’ll try to do that.
The folks at #pblitchat helped me to see this morning that I
need to retool my writing routine. I had found a routine that worked well for
me for a few years, but life changes. My routine has become inaccessible for me
- at least for now. So I need to find a new way. I feel much gratitude to my fellow picture
book writers for spurring this AHA moment.
Meanwhile, I dove into something I’d wanted to do for a
while. Vivienne MacMaster is a photographer who hosts ecourses. I saw that
Joanna Harness of #amwriting fame, had taken a course with Vivienne. I liked
the photographs I saw and asked for info. That was some time ago. I finally
took the plunge and signed up for the course that ran this summer – The Chakra
Photo Workshop. I’ll tell you honestly that it was not the one I would most have
been interested in, but the timing was good.
Lucky for me, this course was just what the doctor ordered.
Well, actually the doctor ordered PT and I’m doing that too, but this is
helping me to get my groove back.
I’m seeing the world in a different way. I’m
feeling inspired by my senses. I’m excited to see what more I can create. I
chose to do this at a time when I was having trouble finding time. I know full
well that I will get the most out of this if I put more time into it. Frankly,
though, I signed up for it because I thought I could manage something. It might
not be much, but it would be better than not doing it. Sometimes when you can
sneak in a moment for yourself you find that more opens up. So I’m stealing
moments for me and relishing them. And I'm getting grounded.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Back Pack, Bucket or Wicker Basket
Much has been written about bucket lists. Those lists of
things you want to do, places you want to go and experiences you want to have
before your time in this world is over. Sometimes I think about adding
something to my list. The problem is that I have never started one.
A few weeks ago, I started thinking about it because I did
something that I could have crossed off such a list.
If you’ve never heard of Brimfield you may not know that
they hold a huge antique sale/flea market. You may not know that people fly in from all over
the country to attend this event. Well, I've known for more than ten years, but had never found the
time to go and experience it. So it was a wonderful Mother’s Day that I made my
first visit.
I was attracted to this shop like a magpie.
Here is my purchase.
I enjoyed it so much I went back this week for the July
event. I made it a point to park in the church parking lot. This church has
done so much for the community since the tornado hit last June. I have been
very impressed with their strong and continued response.
There is plenty to see. We walked around and saw such a mix.
Some booths were grand cacophonies of stuff. Plenty of treasure to be
unearthed. Other booths were impeccably decorated like upscale boutiques.
We made purchases in two shops. The first, Thoreauly Antiques from Concord, MA, features beautiful
items for home decorating. I bought a string of crystal from an old chandelier. I bought them as raw materials for a project that will even surprise me.
My passion for fiber arts brought me back to Candace of The Scarlet Lady, the shop I
delighted in last time. Millinery flowers, lace, trim, and lovely vintage
clothing and home goods are the specialty of this shop.
I stocked up on the
tiny lace that I use for making doll clothing.
By this time we were dehydrated so we stopped for a cup of
freshly squeezed lemonade. Did it ever taste good? (Yes, it did. It hit the
Going to Brimfield was just as enjoyable an experience as I
had imagined.
Pen in hand, I’m ready to make a list of things I want to do so I can remember and do them. Still, I just can’t bear to call
my list a “bucket list”. The things I’m placing in my list are just too special
to me for that. I’m toying with making several lists:
A wicker basket list for all those elegant experiences I
revel in
A backpack list for all the travel I hope to do
A shredder list for all the things I hope to let go of
A furoshiki list for all those friendships that I hope to
Do you keep a list? What do you call it?